The Ember Story
Girl Guides of Canada, 2023

As part of Girl Guides of Canada's diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative the name of the 7-8 year old group was changed in 2023. A contest was run two create a new origin story for the group. The Ember Story showcases the powerful potential of each Ember through clear narration and fun, youthful illustrations and animations.
Material: Illustrator, After Effects, Audition
Unit Calendar
Girl Guides of Canada, 2022 and 2023
Girl Guides of Canada offers programming across the country which is run by volunteers. To aid in the planning of weekly meetings, for the past two years Girl Guides has mailed a physical calendar to over 15,000 volunteers. The calendar contains important dates, reminders, programming ideas, and links to the volunteer hub. Both the 2022-23 and 2023-24 editions use photos of real members and invoke a sense fun and excitement for the upcoming month while also being informative for adults of all ages. Feedback was collected for the 2022-23 calendar and changes were implemented in the 2023-24 edition to better service the volunteers.
Material: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom
2022-2023 Unit Calendar
2022-2023 Unit Calendar
2023-2024 Unit Calendar
2023-2024 Unit Calendar

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